1.5.2: press command key to invoke opening dialog.
1.5.3: "User Cancelled" no longer written to log file.
1.5.4 fixed cosmetic storeChanges name bug
1.5.5 Unix & DOS LF handled; textApp as property;
1.5.6 Move temp files to trash instead of deleting
1.6 Allows renaming/moving of changes & message files
1.6.1 rename refresh fixed using Finder to host renameFile osax
1.6.2 opening dialog box skipped by default
1.6.3. fixed "maybe" bug in skipping dialog
1.6.4 no more redundant "cancel" dialogs
1.6.5 Improved error handling, no more timeouts; all alerts answered with "OK"
1.6.6 Still more error handling; handles "file exists" and "file not found" messages; icons in alert boxes; checked for unofficial osaxen other than Jon's.
1.6.7 Made file I/O a subroutine
1.6.8 added test for pending downloads
1.6.9 automatically switch to FetchChanges mode on detection of activity
1.7 Now deleting identical changesFiles - moving to trash only when different.
1.7.1 Text Application fixed
1.7.2 changed messageFile behaviour - not compared unless changesFile different.